外国人観光客の質問に対処する際に役立つ言い回し | 鈴木公子


I’m glad you asked, but if you could save that question until the end, I’d be happy to answer it then.
If you could save that question until the end, I’ll be glad to answer it then.

Wow, that’s an interesting (a great, an excellent, …) question. Let me get back to you, OK?
Let me research that and I’ll get back to you.
Give me some time, please. I’ll find out and get back to you.
Off the top of my head, I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you with an exact figure (a number, an answer …).

As far as I know, … (that house is the largest Kurazukuri house in Kawagoe).
If my memory serves me right (correctly), … (this house is over 230 years old).
If I recall correctly, ….

*答えにくい質問をされた時。例えば Which (What) season is the best to visit here? とか
What‘s your favorite season at this temple?
Hmmm. That’s a tough question. … (What I love most about this temple is the changing seasons.
I don’t think I could pick up just one).

*What is this ? と質問された時、「あなたは、何だと思いますか?」と逆に質問してみると、意外な答えが返ってきて、会話が弾むことがあります。
Does anyone want (like) to guess what this is?
Does anyone know what this is?
喜多院の春日局の間に展示してある長持について質問された時、逆に聞くと、「お棺 a coffin」と答えられてびっくりしたことがあります。なるほど似ているかも? 
〔長持 a container for storing Futon, Zabuton, etc.〕

また、先輩に聞いた話ですが、賽銭箱を見て、「傘立て an umbrella stand」と答えたゲストがいたそうです。
It’s an offertory box. Buddha would not be happy with wet umbrellas.
