川越唐桟を紹介してみよう! | 岡田みどり


Kawagoe Tozan is Kawagoe-made cotton fabric.
It became popular from the end of the Edo period up to around 1900.

It was unique with the striped-pattern fabric and inexpensive unlike silk-made.

With the silk touch high quality, Kawagoe Tozan became a big trend for kimono even to local people.

Kawagoe Tozan fabric and order-made-kimono are available at Kasama and Kanda in the Kurazukuri old town.
川越唐桟 生地とオーダー着物のお仕立ては 蔵造りの町並みにある呉服 笠間と呉服かんだで取り扱っています。

Today, there are many Kawagoe Tozan items such as scarves, hairbands, bookmarks, masks, mask cases, earrings, necklaces, and eco-bags.
現在、川越唐桟の生地を使った小物が多数あり、スカーフ、ヘアゴム、しおり、マスク、マスクケース、イヤリング、エコバ ッグ等があります。

They are great souvenirs from Kawagoe and available at Kasama, Kanda, and souvenir shops such as Koedo Kurari.
これらの品は川越土産に最適で、呉服 笠間、呉服かんだの2店に加え、小江戸蔵里などの土産物店で販売しています。

The 8th, 18th, and 28th of every month are “Kawagoe Kimono Days.” Anyone wearing a kimono can get discounts at participating shops and buses.

fabric: 生地
inexpensive: 手頃な価格、安い
unlike: ようではない
trend: 動向、トレンド